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" Complete the quiz to earn volts ⚡"

Math quiz helps us to increase our knowledge

1 / 10

which country is facing its biggest drought ever. Drought has dried up rivers and affected power generation at hydroelectric power plants?

2 / 10


3 / 10

Which country recently announced that it would decriminalize same-sex/gay sex between men by scrapping a colonial-era law protecting the definition of marriage

4 / 10


5 / 10

who has been the deputy president of Kenya ?

6 / 10


7 / 10

Which country has announced the historic Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough?

8 / 10

which country recently launched the world’s first fleet of hydrogen-powered passenger trains?

9 / 10

Recently, the which fund has come forward to help Sri Lanka?

10 / 10

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)-based retail inflation for November in India?


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